Google Reviews

Links for Reviews & How to handle fake and false Google Reviews

Asking Clients to Write A Google Review

It is very helpful for your clients to have a premade link to write a review for your Google Business Page. This link is very important in order to send it to your customers and get more Google reviews.

There are 2 ways to do this:

This is the simplest way to find out which is the link from your Google location where customers can leave Google reviews. Just follow the steps below and you will copy the link in seconds.

Here’s how to generate your Google review link

First, make sure you’ve signed in with your Google account.

  • Search for your business on Google
  • In the right of your business search results, click the button ‘Write Review’
  • Copy the URL from the top browser address bar

Google Review Link

2. Use the PlaceID Generator

This is a very simple generator that will provide you with the ID of your Google Maps location. Here it is below and just enter your business name, choose it from the drop down and copy the Place ID from the popover.

-If you don’t have your address published to the public, perhaps you deliver to customers or want to keep your address private, then it can be difficult to find your business in the Place ID generator. You can add your business address to your Google My Business dashboard, then look for the Place ID generator. I haven’t tested if the link with still works if you then take your address off the GMB dashboard.

Google Place ID

In more details, here is how to get Google review link:

  • In the “Enter a location” field write your company name
  • Click on your company name that appears in the dropdown list
  • Your Place ID will appear in the popover and you will just need to copy it
  • And paste this ID number in the end of this link (after the = sign)     (This is for Panda Websites)

Google Reviews PlaceID

Now you have your link that will look like this:

The link will be longer and we suggest you to use a tool to shorten it. For example, is free and can make this huge link into a reasonable size, that makes it simpler to share it anywhere.

Here is the difference:

So now you have a short, simple and easy way to share it with your customers. You can email the link to your clients asking them to leave you a Google review.


Bad & False Google Reviews

Here’s a couple of tips we give our clients if they receive bad reviews;

  • Acknowledge the bad review – respond as the owner, along the lines of
    • Thank you for your feedback, really appreciate you taking the time to leave a review, disappointed that our service didn’t meet your expectation, would welcome a discussion – feel free to call me etc..
    • Stick to the facts and not engage in the drama. If they have used offensive language etc report the review to Google. Still respond pleasantly though.

Unrealistic Expectations of Customers

  • If the reviewer is being completely unrealistic, you can still take this kind of tone. Acknowledge the feedback – but if for example someone is complaining that they have attended one session of physio and that hasn’t fixed their problem. Then you can add wording to the effect: “most clients with your condition require 5+ sessions to begin to see some improvement. Additional sessions plus sticking to the exercise program we give, sees our clients back up and about…
  • I think you get the idea – it’s answering in a way that acknowledges, but also points out that perhaps their behaviour/expectation was unrealistic – without actually making it pointed at them that they were.

Reviews from Non-clients or False Reviews

  • If the review is from someone who has never been a customer – call them out on it. If you can’t see that this user has been a client. Just a simple-
    • Thank you for your feedback, perhaps you have us confused with another supplier, as I cant seem to match your user name to any of our client records. We pride ourselves on providing the very best service, if you could please call us so we can confirm you are one of our clients then we’d love to try and make this right for you….
    • Hi… We take these matters very seriously, unfortunately, we have no record or recollection of any customer experience fitting this account, nor can we verify anything about your identity from your name in our records. If you were a client of ours, we would like to investigate this issue further, please contact us immediately at email address so that we can resolve this issue immediately.

Ask Current Clients for Google Reviews

Approach some of your happy customer base, and be honest with them – you can say look – I’ve had this disgruntled troublemaker and his band of friends leave bad reviews. It has had a negative impact on my Google page, and my business. As a small business these reviews are critical in my ability to reach new customers.
It would be so helpful to me if you could leave a Google review about my business. Ask the ones he has the closest relationship with – most will be more than happy to try and right a wrong.


How to remove a Fake Google Review

Here is how the process works:
  1. Click “Flag as inappropriate,” using the flag icon on the bottom right of the review.
  2. Google will assess your request.
  3. If necessary, Google will remove the review from your listing.